Processing Juices & Beverages
The processes used for juices and beverages depend on how the manufacturer wants to distribute their product and what product image they want. The highest quality/freshest tasting products are normally pasteurized or processed for extended shelf life and then sold refrigerated. Other products are meant to be more convenient and not require refrigeration. These types of products are either aseptically processed or hot-filled. Below is a guide to help you select what process best suits your needs and what MicroThermics equipment or services can best help you in your R&D.
Commonly Used Processes for Juices & Beverages
MicroThermics Miniature Plant Trial Services

Let us do the processing work for you! We’ll even help you select and develop your process. Miniature Plant Trials are conducted at our facility where you can formulate and process products at conditions. With our Miniature Plant Trial Services, you can arrive with a concept and leave with a tested and proven formula.