- High Acid Aseptic Process yields a 12-log reduction of bacteria
- Conducted at HTST temperature ranges of 80°-110° C (176°-230°F)
- Hold times are typically 10-20 seconds long
- To qualify as “High Acid”, products must have a pH below 4.6
- If processed and filled aseptically, products are guaranteed sterile and typically have an unrefrigerated shelf life of 6 to 12 months or more
- Benefits of High Acid Aseptic Processing
- Long shelf-life
- Shelf Stable (does not require refrigeration)
- Can preserve freshness, flavor, nutrients
- Commonly available at co-packers
- Can be used for wide range of products
- Disadvantages of High Acid Aseptic Processing
- May cause reduction of product quality (product dependent)
- Processing and packaging cost may be higher
Common High Acid Aseptic products
- Orange or other fruit Juices
- Fruit Punches
- Smoothies
- Soups and savory sauces
- Drinks like lemonade or lime-ade
- Concentrates
Suggested MicroThermics Processors for High Acid Aseptic Processing
MicroThermics Miniature Plant Trial Services

Let us do the processing work for you! We’ll even help you select and develop your process. Miniature Plant Trials are conducted at our facility where you can formulate and process products at conditions. With our Miniature Plant Trial Services, you can arrive with a concept and leave with a tested and proven formula.